Growing Popularity in Cosmetic Surgeries for Men

Male Breast Reduction

With ever-changing societal standards, it is becoming more and more okay for men to be seen taking care of themselves and their appearances. Whether it’s social media, or simply wanting to look good for their significant other, men have been reaching out to more and more outlets to improve their appearance. One of those outlets has been plastic surgery.

Male Breast Reduction

While breast augmentations have always been popular for women, men have taken to the operation with new enthusiasm. Most rely on this method to reduce extra fat and skin in the chest area to give them that smooth appearance that exercise and healthy diets may not always get to. Dr. Baldenhofer can help contour the chest area based on your body’s natural shape and proportions via gynecomastia surgery. This can be done with a new technique of going through the armpit which leaves practically no visible scarring.


Also known as an “eye lift,” this procedure is rapidly gaining positive attention with males due to the amazing outcomes it has. During an eyelid lift, upper eyelid fat is taken out to smooth out the lines around the eyes and in turn the whole face. This can make men and women alike look ten years younger by removing bags under the eyes that become more permanent with age, puffiness, and skin folds.


For areas such as the arms, chest, and back, liposuction can help remove particularly stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise just can’t seem to get. This procedure is perfect for men who are already committed to a workout routine and healthy diet and will help them on their way to achieving the body of their dreams.

For men who are interested in learning more about how plastic surgery can be designed to help fit their needs, our staff is happy to help answer any questions. Schedule your free consultation with either our Long Island or Manhattan office today to learn more. Contact us today.


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