What You Should Consider When Deciding Your Breast Implant Size

Breast Augmentation

One of the most important decisions to make when getting ready to have a breast augmentation is the size of the implant you plan on getting. If this is not a decision you want to make on your own, Dr. Baldenhofer is always ready to work with you to create a size that is proportionate to your body.

Breast Augmentation

More commonly known as a “boob job,” this procedure was made to help reshape women’s breasts to give them better body proportions and boost their self-confidence. Dr. Baldenhofer’s expertise in this area has helped women achieved these goals for years.


Breast implants can be offered in a bunch of different sizes from 30 ounces to 300; these sizes are more commonly known by their commercial term, “cup.” Women can feel free to choose from something as small as an A-cup to something as large as a full E-cup. It really just comes down to what the patient is trying to achieve and what they’re most comfortable with.

Body Type

Your consultation with Dr. Baldenhofer is no time to be shy about your body. It’s important to be realistic about your body type. If you are thin and going for a more natural appearance, you may want to consider looking into a smaller cup size. This is especially true if you don’t have much upper body strength. Remember that larger cups can strain your back if you can’t support them.

Body Shape

Your body shape also plays a part in the decision to be made. Women with a higher build have the support needed for a larger breast size and aren’t as likely to have back problems due to their size. If you have wider hips, you might want to consider proportioning your breasts to your hip size to highlight your natural body curves.

Dr. Baldenhofer can help you find the perfect size for your body by relying on your natural contours and proportions during your pre-op appointments. It’s just your job to tell him what size range you are comfortable with.


Your age can influence several things about your decision, such as how your body will heal post-operation. Depending on the answer, you may want to reconsider how long you want to spend in surgery.

If you have any questions about our practice or how to schedule your breast augmentation, contact either our Long Island or Manhattan office for your free consultation today.


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